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Messy Kind presents

Chilli Con Carne

Venue: Alphabetti Theatre 
When: Thursday 18th, Friday 19th & Saturday 20th of July
Performance Times:
Tickets: £10 Full Price / £5 Concession / £3 'No Questions' (maximum 10 available online only). Booking fees apply.
Running Time: Approx. 60 mins 
Age Recommendation:

Death and taxes - the only two certainties in life. That and complex, painful human relationships.


At sixteen, Ash and Sonia fall in love. But their young queer relationship hits an awkward brick wall: their respective parents have fallen for each other too. When Sonia’s father dies, she runs off to London, only to come back to Newcastle ten years later. No longer sisters or lovers, these strangers rediscover their complex love amidst grief, regret, and Ash’s ‘wonderfully normal ’life with her fiancé: Tom.


Wires cross, and threads get pulled - leaving Ash with a heartbreaking decision to make, over a bowl of her mother’s infamous Chilli Con Carne…


Written for Messy Kind by Sarah Vickers in 2024, this bold three-hander mixes the Pinter pin-drop pause with a contemporary flare. Delving into some uncomfortable questions about sister-hood, jealousy and grief, Chilli Con Carne is a refreshing exploration into two women’s repressed feelings of love.


Growing up in the Tyne Valley, surrounded by the beauty of the Northumbrian countryside, Vickers has always been fascinated with local stories and pushes for voices from the North East to be heard.



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Produced by:

Alphabetti Theatre logo

Supported by:

Arts Council England logo
Community Foundation logo

© 2024 Alphabetti Theatre | Website designed by Kerrin Tatman using Wix

Illustrations by Jonjo O'Connor | Logo by Rachael Horner

Newcastle Fringe Festival is produced by Chloe Stott & Ali Pritchard

Registered at Alphabetti Theatre | St. James' Boulevard, Newcastle, NE1 4HP

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