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Las Wee Cocumbers presents

Las Wee Cocumbers Adventuras

Venue: Prohibition Cabaret Bar
When: Wednesday 24th July
Performance Times: 7.30pm
Tickets: £10 Full Price / £5 Concession / £3 'No Questions' (maximum 10 available online only). Booking fees apply.
Running Time: Approx. 50 mins
Age Recommendation: 16+

Let this physical comedy duo take you on a surreal adventure.

Las Wee Cocumbers are a physical comedy duo based in Barcelona. Using physical theatre, clown, puppets and mime they are ready to take you on an adventure outside of this reality and frankly, something from a bygone era. If you’re ready to laugh like it’s 1929, come along with a glass of wine.  


Alanna and Nisa met in Barcelona whilst studying physical theatre. Slowly but surely, they realised they had the same nonsensical humour and began creating silly sketches thanks to Alanna’s speciality in clown and Nisa’s work with puppets and fine art. Soon after, they started taking short pieces to cabarets in Catalunya and eventually decided to make the duo Las Wee Cocumbers to work on longer pieces.

Audience Reviews:
“I love this performance. It really reminded me of old school silent movies.”

“I couldn’t stop laughing at this nonsense.”

“Cucumbers brilliant!”


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Produced by:

Alphabetti Theatre logo

Supported by:

Arts Council England logo
Community Foundation logo

© 2024 Alphabetti Theatre | Website designed by Kerrin Tatman using Wix

Illustrations by Jonjo O'Connor | Logo by Rachael Horner

Newcastle Fringe Festival is produced by Chloe Stott & Ali Pritchard

Registered at Alphabetti Theatre | St. James' Boulevard, Newcastle, NE1 4HP

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