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Si Beckwith presents


Venue: Prohibition Cabaret Bar
When: Friday 26th July
Performance Times: 9.00pm
Tickets: £10 Full Price / £5 Concession / £3 'No Questions' (maximum 10 available online only). Booking fees apply.
Running Time:
Approx. 60 mins 
Age Recommendation: 18+

Si Beckwith ('razor sharp wit' The Crack Magazine) brings his newest show Bricks to the Newcastle Fringe. 

Si is a step-parent. Not one of them evil Disney type ones either, he's a really canny one. He's made a show about being one. 

It's a comedy show about family, swearing, Lego, films, parenting, Newcastle and being a dafty. This new show is funny, heartfelt, silly, packed with stories and even has some art!

“delivers warm laughter from some hot topics.” BBC

'Hilarious, thoughtful, contemporary and fearless' The Culture Vulture

'Absurdly charming and funny’ NARC Magazine

"hints of surrealism thrown in with pop culture led commentary" - The Yorker

“Amiable surrealism, silliness and nose for pop culture” - York Press


Si Beckwith by Jay Dawson_1648.jpg

Produced by:

Alphabetti Theatre logo

Supported by:

Arts Council England logo
Community Foundation logo

© 2024 Alphabetti Theatre | Website designed by Kerrin Tatman using Wix

Illustrations by Jonjo O'Connor | Logo by Rachael Horner

Newcastle Fringe Festival is produced by Chloe Stott & Ali Pritchard

Registered at Alphabetti Theatre | St. James' Boulevard, Newcastle, NE1 4HP

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